This Document Copyright 1999 © by
John F. Uske (All Rights Reserved)

<Playing Matchbox with Edward>

When I was 10 years old I did not really enjoy baseball or football cards. I found them to be boring. But they did come out with Wacky Racers cards. I went crazy for these. Each pack of cards had pictures of outlandish looking dragsters driven by ghoulish looking figures. I tried to make my own drawings in the same style as the ones on the cards. (Click to Enlarge)

<Blue Dragster Car>

If you notice in these drawings I am starting to try and give the cars that 3D look by intoducing for the first time the perspective drawing technique. I wanted the cars to look more life like in their appearance. So I started to draw everything this way and since that time I never stopped drawing using the 3D format. (Click to Enlarge)

<Warped Dragster Car>

As I progressed I also started to combine tracings with free form drawings to add even more realism to my pictures. In this picture I traced an image of George Barris' Silhouette custom hot rod onto to a piece of paper and drew a scene around it with free form buildings to add even more realism. I collected Custom Car trading cards back then. (Click to Enlarge)

<Compound drawing>