My drawings from the 9th grade in 1972 at Brooklyn Technical High School
When I entered Junior High School after the 5th grade my drawing pastime fell by the way side as I got into other things. It did not come back into my life until I got to High School at Brooklyn Tech. At right is a house I drew in 3D. (Click to Enlarge)
Brooklyn Tech was an Engineering Prep High School. It was very elite. I had to take a test to get in. I my first year, the 9th grade, I took a class called freehand drawing. In this class I learned about vanishing points in perspective views. I had a very tough teacher. We were not allowed to use rulers in his class, but he taught me well as you can see. Now my drawings started to become even more realistic. (Click to Enlarge)
My teacher was a very tough task master. He would put a subject on the board and say "Draw!" He would yell at you if you made stupid mistakes but sure enough I got the grip on what he was teaching me. The perspective view became an embedded part of my drawing techinique from that point on.This was also the only class I liked at Brooklyn Tech. (Click to Enlarge)