This Document Copyright 1999 © by
John F. Uske (All Rights Reserved)

<John Uske & Manesty Layer Press>

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Now I will explain the new purpose of this web site:Part 1

Originally when I started scanning my documents and images, it was for the purpose of building a web based resume on all of the types of equipment I have designed, built, rebuilt or repaired during the course of my lifetime to date. I knew the range of equipment I have worked on would be too unbelievable if I presented it in a document style resume. If I told you that without any prior experience I built a 20 by 50 foot 35000 gallon inground swimming pool, on my own, in my backyard; would you believe me? You can see the pictures of that project on this web site right now, and eventually you will see hundreds more just like it.

As my collection of scanned documents grew in size I was becoming more proficient with using the features and capabilites of Microsoft Windows, Office, and Adobe Photoshop. I wanted to build a good web site, but I wanted to avoid having to teach myself how to use another complex piece of software. I found a program called IXLA Web Easy. It was a one of those drag and drop type of web site creator programs. I built a 20 page site by dropping text, images, and graphics onto blank pages and the software did the rest to convert it into web pages. The site went live in September 2002 and was originally called the The World of Computron It was based on my old job nickname from the Union Standard Machinery Co. I was not happy with the results because the pages downloaded slow and clunky, but it was the best I could do at the time.

In the meantime I had been going to Brooklyn College at night to finish up my studies for my 4 year degree in Business, Management & Finance. I had dropped out many years ago and I just wanted close out and complete what I has started. However, I wanted to finish school in style and that meant graduating with a high GPA. This was not easy, so I decided to let my web site ride as is while I put all my efforts into my studies. The only web related activity that did continue was the document and film scanning because I could do this while I read my school books and did my homework.