This Document Copyright 1999 © by
John F. Uske (All Rights Reserved)

My Datusn 240Z Engine

We Sell for Less at BulbAmerica.com
Digital Camera Battery Packs
The new purpose of this web site contnued:Part 4 (The Final Part)

September 1st 2005 is when I sat down in earnest to teach myself how to use Dreamweaver Studio MX 2004. It was very hard getting started. It took me weeks just to make the home page. By October 5th I uploaded my first 20 page site. It was not perfect. It was not fully CSS compliant or cross browser compatible. I went through 5 more full site rebuilds adding content and changng the page structure to move more towards the pure external CSS model. By Dec 31st 2005 I had a 100 page site that was full CSS and cross browser tested in the latest versionsof Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape, and Opera. by then I could also bang out 10 pages a day using Dreamweaver combined with highly detailed custom crafted images also created by me using Adobe Photoshop, which are then converted into sliced gifs using using Fireworks, with text content from Microsoft Word and Excel and have all 4 programs open and running simultaneously on single PC and being used be me in alternate actions as I create a web page.

There have been times in the past when people have said to me things like. "Boy, I wish I could do that! or How did you do that? or Where did you learn that? As the old saying goes: You can't take it with you!  So I am giving it all away! That is the new and real purpose of this site.I will never build an inground pool again, nor will I ever try do again many of the other projects I have completed in the past, but on the other hand you may want to try some of these things for yourself. The knowledge of what I did along with step by step photos of how I did it will be here for you whenever you are ready for free.

So feel free to take what you see here and use it to make your own life better, or someone elses. Just mention where you got it from if someone asks you. Any comments or suggestions on this site can be sent to:
