This Document Copyright 1999 © by
John F. Uske (All Rights Reserved)

<Mateer stripped down for rebuilding>

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<Paul, Murray and Gerry> <Paul, Murray and Gerry> <Paul, Murray and Gerry>
<Paul, Murray and Gerry> <Paul, Murray and Gerry> <Paul, Murray and Gerry>
<Paul, Murray and Gerry> <Paul, Murray and Gerry> <Paul, Murray and Gerry>

Paul, Murray, and Gerald Bedrin of Allied Office Supplies.

This was a very small Office Supply Company located in Rutherford New Jersey. I worked there, part time after school as a stock boy when I was 15 years old. Allied was founded by Murray Bedrin, he then brought his 2 sons Paul and Gerald into the business after they graduated college. Paul and Gerald were both energetic and imaginative thinkers. The business started to expand rapidly under their aegis. These men were the first employer to bring me into the loop on the decision-making processes, which affected how the company operates. Even though I was a teenager I was treated with respect and my ideas and opinions about how the stock room areas should be expanded and operated were appreciated and acted upon. I felt like I counted for what I knew and not just as a body that could move boxes around. I learned things here about planning, scheduling, logistics, and inventory management that I still use today in my own work. These 2 brothers grew Allied into a 300 Million dollar a year business before they sold it.