This Document Copyright 1999 © by
John F. Uske (All Rights Reserved)

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Mission Impossible circa Sept 1966 to April 1969

Greg Morris was my very first role model of what a working man should do for a living. The Mission Impossible Force was a group of special secret agents that worked as a team to carry out secret missions. Each member contributed to the mission with his or her own unique skills and capabilities. Jim Phelps was the team leader, Roland Hand was an expert with disguises, Willie Armitage was the big silent strong man, Cinnamon Carter was the female seductress, and Greg Morris played the role of Barney Collier the gadget guy. Barney was the guy who knew how to hook up and operate all the high tech equipment the team needed to get the job done, and if it did not exist he would design it and build it. He was also very cool and unemotional. Even under extreme pressure he did not waver from the tasks he committed himself to. I started watching this show from the earliest days when it was filmed in black and white, but from the very first time I saw Barney in action I decided right then this is exactly what I want to for a living when I grow up.

And you know what? That is exactly what I do today. I do ultra cool stuff with high tech gadgets and tools to build super sophisticated machinery to produce consumer products. I am also having way more fun than most people do at work because I am doing something new with technology almost daily. Greg Morris, I thank you for showing me the way!