This Document Copyright 1999 © by
John F. Uske (All Rights Reserved)

<Another Large VBM>

Click here to view the Vulcan 63 - 40 improvement project
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<E Machine Tool>

<E Machine Tool>

<Small Vertical Boring Mill> <Small Vertical Boring Mill> <Small Vertical Boring Mill>
<Small Vertical Boring Mill> <Small Vertical Boring Mill> <Small Vertical Boring Mill>
<Small Vertical Boring Mill> <Small Vertical Boring Mill> <Small Vertical Boring Mill>
The Vulcan 63-40c Vertical Boring Mill

The line of Chinese machine tools that S&S imported started to grow in popularity as they sold more and more of them. As a result they started to bring in bigger machines that can do other types of jobs. This is a vertical lathe, which some people also like to call the Bullard type. Bullard was the company that originally made and popularized this configuration of the lathe. They became so pervasive throughout industry for a long time when people asked for a Bullard type machine you knew they meant vertical lathe. On this lathe I added some additional features to improve its operation. I installed over travel limit switches on both the X and Y axis to prevent over travel of the tool head. I added an automatic ways lubrication system by Trabon, which was controlled by a timer circuit I integrated right into the main control cabinet in the back of the machine. Little features like this helped make the machine more attractive to the buyer. Click on the link on the left side of the page to view the slide show.