Brooklyn College Web Transcript for John UskeStudent Copy of Transcript
Undergraduate Degree |
Skill Summary | |
Reading | Exemption |
Writing | Exemption |
Math | Pass |
CPE Test | Pass Times Taken: 1 Absent: 0 |
Courses from Other Colleges and Universities
Listed below are the NYIT college credits that were accepted by Brooklyn College as
Transfer Credits. Under the rules you can transfer the credits but not the grades. In
my case I did not use most of the credits because at the time I applied to use them
(Late 2003). I had already taken most of the same subjects at BC, but they were there
just in case I needed to fill some gaps later on down the road needed for graduation.
NEW YORK INSTITUTE OF | TECHNOLOGY | Semesters Attended | 02/01/78 to 01/01/79 | |
Dept | Course Number | Course Type | Grade | Credits |
Chemistry | LS4510 | Chemistry 1 | A | 4.0 |
Computing Fundamentals | CS5645. | BASIC Language | B | 3.0 |
English | EN1010 | College Composition | B | 3.0 |
History | SS2521 | World History | B | 3.0 |
Mathematics | MA 3016 | Calculus 1 | W | 0.0 |
Psychology | BS2401 | Intro to Psych | A | 3.0 |
Speech & Communications | SP1033 | Public Speaking | B | 2.0 |
Exemption | MA3011 | College Alg & Trig | 0.0 | |
Exemption | EC2011 | Basic Economics | 0.0 | |
Exemption | LS4520 | Chemistry 2 | 0.0 |
Brooklyn College Courses
Brooklyn College |
Fall 1981 | |||
Dept | Course Number | Subjects Studied | Grade | Credits |
SBPC | 10.3 | Grammar and Oral Communication Part 1 | B | 4.0 |
SBPH | 10.3 | Humanities History & Classical Literature Part 1 | B | 5.0 |
Term GPA
3.000 | |||
Credits |
9.0 |
Brooklyn College |
Spring 1982 | |||
Dept | Course Number | Subjects Studied | Grade | Credits |
SBPC | 10.4 | Grammar and Oral Communication Part 2 | B | 4.0 |
SBPH | 10.4 | Humanities History & Classical Literature Part 2 | B | 8.0 |
Term GPA
3.000 | |||
Credits |
12.0 |
Brooklyn College |
Fall 1982 | |||
Dept | Course Number | Subjects Studied | Grade | Credits |
SOCSC | 10.3 | Social Science Past to Present Concepts Part 1 | B | 8.0 |
FILM | 15. | The History of Film & Cinematography | A | 3.0 |
Term GPA
3.270 | |||
Credits |
11.0 |
Brooklyn College |
Spring 1983 | |||
Dept | Course Number | Subjects Studied | Grade | Credits |
SOCSC | 10.4 | Social Science Past to Present Concepts Part 2 | B | 8.0 |
Term GPA
3.000 | |||
Credits |
8.0 |
Brooklyn College |
Fall 1983 | |||
Dept | Course Number | Subjects Studied | Grade | Credits |
SOCSC | 10.6 | Problems for the Social Sciences | B | 4.0 |
SCI | 10.3 | Science Seminar Physics & Chemistry Part 1 | B | 3.0 |
SCI | 10.4 | Science Seminar Evolution & Biology Part1 | B | 3.0 |
Term GPA
3.000 | |||
Credits |
10.0 |
Here is where I had to drop out of school. My employer the at the time was the US Postal
Service. I was new there, and they told me I had to take the training to keep the job. My
first 3 week class was on Industrial Electric Systems. I scored 97% for a final grade. My
My Supervisors were impressed with the results. So for the next 3 years they sent me on
over 100 plane trips to complete 38 vocational and Management Training courses. For a
while I was going to school nonstop because I kept on getting promoted too. As soon as
I landed I would be taking off again. You can see all of the courses I attended and the
final grades for each one of them in the Vocational Training Section of this web site.
Brooklyn College |
Spring 1984 | |||
Dept | Course Number | Subjects Studied | Grade | Credits |
SCI | 10.5 | Science Seminar Physics & Chemistry Part 2 | F Absent | 3.0 |
SCI | 10.6 | Science Seminar Evolution & Biology Part 2 | F Absent | 3.0 |
Term GPA
No GPA Available | |||
Credits |
I decide to go back to Brooklyn College in 1988.
By this time I was in upper Management in the Postal Service. In one assignment I had
to Manage 153 Maintenance Employees on 3 shifts in two buildings and I was only 28
years old at the time. Through my return to College I was looking for a way to diffrentiate
myself from the rest of the pack for the next move ahead. I decided to major in Business
because my job consisted of managing other employees,
purchasing maintence parts,
monitoring construction projects
and preparing progress reports on these projects.
Brooklyn College |
Fall 1988 | |||
Dept | Course Number | Subjects Studied | Grade | Credits |
ECON | 20.1 | Elementary Microeconomics | B | 3.0 |
ECON | 40.3 | Personnel Management & HR Concepts | A | 3.0 |
ECON | 70.1 | Money Banking and Finance | B | 3.0 |
Term GPA
3.330 | |||
Credits |
9.0 |
Brooklyn College |
Spring 1989 | |||
Dept | Course Number | Course Subjects Studied | Grade | Credits |
ECON | 31.1 | Fundamental Methods of Analytical Economics | Withdraw | 3.0 |
Term GPA
No GPA Available | |||
Credits |
After the Fall of 1989 I had to drop out of BC again.
On my job I started to get moved around to different shifts with different days off in
different buildings. Because of this I could not give my school work the attention that it
needed to do well. So rather than go through school acheiving low grades I dropped out.
Brooklyn College |
Fall 1989 | |||
Dept | Course Number | Subjects Studied | Grade | Credits |
CIS | 5.2 | MS DOS and Lotus 123 Word & Spreadsheets | C | 3.0 |
ACCNT | 1. | Accounting 1 | F Absent | 4.0 |
PHIL | 14. | Moral Issues in the Business World | A | 3.0 |
Term GPA
1.800 | |||
Credits |
6.0 |
I return to Brooklyn College in the Spring of the year 2000
This time I am very happy and have piece of mind. I have a new and extremely complex
high tech job but I am very calm and relaxed because all resources needed to bring
about a result are under my complete control. So I decide to go back to school and finish
what I had started. Besides that this training is relevant and useful to my work on the job.
I am in no hurry to graduate. I want good grades so I do it one or 2 courses a semester.
Besides that to me watching TV is a big waste of time. I'd rather be learning something new.
Brooklyn College |
Spring 2000 | |||
Dept | Course Number | Subjects Studied | Grade | Credits |
SMSCI | 10.5 | Science Seminar Physics & Chemistry Part 2 | A- | 3.0 |
SMSCI | 10.6 | Science Seminar Evolution & Biology Part 2 | B+ | 3.0 |
Term GPA
3.500 | |||
Credits |
6.0 |
Brooklyn College |
Fall 2000 | |||
Dept | Course Number | Subjects Studied | Grade | Credits |
CIS | 1.5 | C Language Computer Programming | B | 4.0 |
Term GPA
3.000 | |||
Credits |
4.0 |
Brooklyn College |
Spring 2001 | |||
Dept | Course Number | Subjects Studied | Grade | Credits |
MATH | 2.91 | Introduction to Calculus | Withdraw | 2.0 |
CIS | 16. | Object Oriented Programming with JAVA | Withdraw | 4.0 |
Term GPA
No GPA Available | |||
Credits |
Brooklyn College |
Fall 2001 | |||
Dept | Course Number | Subjects Studied | Grade | Credits |
SPAN | 1. | Spanish Language (Required) Part 1 | A | 3.0 |
Term GPA
4.000 | |||
Credits |
3.0 |
Brooklyn College |
Spring 2002 | |||
Dept | Course Number | Subjects Studied | Grade | Credits |
SPAN | 2. | Spanish Language (Required) Part 2 | B+ | 3.0 |
Term GPA
3.300 | |||
Credits |
3.0 |
Brooklyn College |
Summer 2002 | |||
Dept | Course Number | Subjects Studied | Grade | Credits |
SPAN | 3. | Spanish Laguage (Required) Part 3 | B+ | 3.0 |
Term GPA
3.300 | |||
Credits |
3.0 |
Brooklyn College |
Fall 2002 | |||
Dept | Course Number | Subjects Studied | Grade | Credits |
MATH | 2.91 | Introduction to Calculus | Withdraw | 2.0 |
BUS | 50.4 | Organizational Behavior (Employee Motivation Concepts) | A | 3.0 |
Term GPA
4.000 | |||
Credits |
3.0 |
Brooklyn College |
Spring 2003 | |||
Dept | Course Number | Subjects Studied | Grade | Credits |
ACCNT | 1. | Accounting 1 | B+ | 4.0 |
Term GPA
3.300 | |||
Credits |
4.0 |
Brooklyn College |
Summer 2003 | |||
Dept | Course Number | Subjects Studied | Grade | Credits |
BUS | 50.1 | Introduction to Management | A+ | 3.0 |
Term GPA
4.000 | |||
Credits |
3.0 |
Brooklyn College |
Fall 2003 | |||
Dept | Course Number | Subjects Studied | Grade | Credits |
BUS | 50.2 | Principles of Marketing Management | A+ | 3.0 |
Term GPA
4.000 | |||
Credits |
3.0 |
Brooklyn College |
Spring 2004 | |||
Dept | Course Number | Subjects Studied | Grade | Credits |
ACCNT | 40. | Contract Law for Business | A- | 3.0 |
BUS | 80.1 | Seminar in Business Management and Policy | A+ Honors | 3.0 |
Term GPA
3.850 | |||
Credits |
6.0 |
Brooklyn College |
Summer 2004 | |||
Dept | Course Number | Subjects Studied | Grade | Credits |
ECON | 31.1 | Business Statistical Analysis (Math) | B | 3.0 |
Term GPA
3.000 | |||
Credits |
3.0 |
Brooklyn College |
Fall 2004 | |||
Dept | Course Number | Subjects Studied | Grade | Credits |
BUS | 31.4 | Operations Management & Project Management | A | 3.0 |
BUS | 30.2 | Statstics & Probability (Math) | B+ | 4.0 |
Term GPA
3.600 | |||
Credits |
7.0 |
Brooklyn College |
Spring 2005 | |||
Dept | Course Number | Subjects Studied | Grade | Credits |
BUS | 70.2 | Corporate Financial Management | B | 3.0 |
Term GPA
3.000 | |||
Credits |
3.0 |
I Graduate on June 2nd 2005
Bachelor of Science Graduation Term/Date |
Spring 2005 06/01/2005 | ||
& FINANCE | ||
| ||
That same day at 6PM I start class to prepare for my next College
Fixnit |