This Document Copyright 1999 © by
John F. Uske (All Rights Reserved)

<Brooklyn College LaGuardia Hall>

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Scholastic Honors & Work Awards

In my last year of High School I was an elected member of the student council, and president of the photography club. I won a Bronze Key for scholastic excellence because I had a straight A average in every subject for 4 consecutive marking periods in the 75/76 school year. I was cited in the local newspapers for having earned maximum scholastic honors 4 marking periods in a row. My Chemistry Teacher wrote a parting letter of recommendation to vouch for my abilities as a science student. Additionally I moonlighted as a cub reporter for the local newspapers. My stories and photos on local events were published on a regular basis. I had also completed on my own 2 correspondence courses. I worked part time after school at a local supermarket, and then an office supply store to pay for my photography hobby and the correspondence courses I studied at home.

I did not begin college until September 1981 almost 5 years after I left High School. My College work was always part time, and discontinuous because of the requirements of my job or the needs of my family. For example when the Post Office decided to send me to 38 vocational schools I had to drop out of College for a long time. Even though my attendance was intermittent and part time, with the exception of one course where I got a C for a final grade, all of my other grades were always between A and B. I made the final push in January of 2000 and went back to Brooklyn College to pick up where I left off and finish all of my studies to earn my Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management, and Finance. I graduated on June 2nd 2005 with a 3.3 GPA across 134 credits with many letters of recommendation needed to apply for graduate school from the wonderful teachers I had during my final years there.

A few months after I graduated from Brooklyn College I took the GMAT test and applied to the Baruch College Zicklin School of Business to complete my graduate studies for my MBA degeee. I got accepted and have been there for over 1 year now. I love this school and you can read much about on this web site.

When I worked for the Post Office I won an award for perfect attendance in 1986, and received a letter of appreciation in 1993 for helping set up the Truck Rodeo competition in New Jersey for that same year. My main achievement with this company is to have obtained the highest scores my managers had ever seen on the maintenance craft promotion tests and the maintenance training courses they sent me to. These tests were very difficult and had a failure rate in excess of 50%.