This Document Copyright 1999 © by
John F. Uske (All Rights Reserved)

<John Uske on break at F&B Ceco>

J&R Computer/Music World
LEGO Shop at Home
<Old F&B Ceco HQ Bldg> <Old F&B Ceco HQ Bldg> <John Uske with Mitchelll 35 Cameras>
<Old F&B Ceco HQ Bldg> <Old F&B Ceco HQ Bldg> <John Uske with Mitchelll 35 Cameras>
<Old F&B Ceco HQ Bldg> <Old F&B Ceco HQ Bldg> <John Uske with Mitchelll 35 Cameras>

1978-1979 F & B Ceco Industries

I was hired here to repair professional grade motion picture and video equipment, which was rented out to clients on a per diem basis. They shot feature films, or TV commercials with the rented equipment. The motion picture cameras were 35mm, or 16mm format and they used digital Phased Locked Loop circuits to control the motor speeds, and analog circuits to control the film exposure rates. The video equipment consisted of RCA TK76 or Ikegami HL 79 3 tube plumbicon cameras, and some very large multihead SONY and JVC video tape decks. The electronics servicing provided me with a mixture of digital for synchronization circuits and analog for audio, hue, chroma, etc. I had to do a great deal of signal tracing with an oscilloscope. I did so well with this I was nicknamed "Captain Video" by my co-workers. The work here was interesting but still too "camera focused". I wanted to work more directly with digital logic and computer software so I moved to robotics. (See Previous)