Montauk Junior High School in Boro Park Brooklyn
After the 5th grade I was promoted to go to Junior High School. This is an intermediate school for grades 6 to 8. This school represented a very different change for me. First off the school was far away from home. I had to travel here by bus. The city gave us bus passes to use so we could ride for free. This was the first time in my life I was doing this and there were many more firsts. Next, instead of sitting in the same classroom for the entire day in this school we started out in a homeroom for attendance and then we switched classrooms every hour to go to a different teacher to for a different subject for the rest of the day. I also took shop classes in sheet metal, ceramics, woodwork, and printing. They had art and music classes too, but my interest in these subjects diminished as I got caught up in the excitement of making new friends and doing new things with them. Another big change was girls. I discovered that I found myself attracted to them. I asked a girl out for date for the 1st time in 7th grade. We went on a double date to the movies. I completed 8th grade in 1972.