Saint Catharines of Alexandria Catholic School in Boro Park Brooklyn
In the 5th grade I had to go for Catechism classes again. According to Catholic law when the person is old enough to make their own decisions they can be confirmed. (I guess they thought 10 years old was old enough) A person being confirmed will say that they believe in God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and ask for strength and courage to live as Jesus would want them to and to tell other people about their faith. This time I went to a different Catholic school. This one was 8 blocks away from my Elementary School. I walked there in a group with other the boys from my school. I made my confirmation in the summer of 1969. Shortly after that my views of the world and religion started to change when my Mom gave me a subscription to National Geographic magazine. I started to read and learn about the many other religions of the world. Then I studied Philosophy in High School and the words of Rene Descartes and how he justified the existence of god, which proved to me that all religions are a creation of man. I stopped going to Church in my late teens.