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Sept. 2 , 2002 Edition

BC rated tops for beauty in nationwide student poll

BC rated tops for beauty in nationwide student poll

In the not too distant past, when anyone talked about a City University campus, low standards and dismal achievement were the usual phrases thrown around. Full Story...

Other News

New Sports Director Pulling Double Duty

The way Alex Lang sits up in his chair and the excited tone in his voice when talking about the women's basketball team lets an observer know where his passions lie. There is also the line before the conversation began, "I'd rather talk about the coaching." Full Story

Other Sports

Once homeless, a BC student strives

Once homeless, a BC student strives

John Uske still bears a scar and a missing tooth to remind him of times when life was not so sweet.
Now a Brooklyn College student with 111 credits toward a business management degree, Uske, 44, was once homeless, living at the Atlantic Avenue Armory homeless shelter after a bitter divorce in 1997.
He is an urban success story. A man who rescued himself from the gutter after a wake up call that left him in the hospital.

Read the full story by clicking here

Other Features


Know Who You Rep

In late 2001, when one of Brooklyn's self-proclaimed finest, Jay-Z, performed before a multicultural MTV crowd (a rare sight) for the network's "Unplugged" series, I couldn't help but notice the portrait on his shirt. Full Story

Other Arts

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This web page is a faithful reproduction of the actual web page used by the Brooklyn College Kingsman Newspaper to announce the stories being featured in the September 2nd, 2002 issue of the paper that week. Their new web site today has a new URL and a completely different look and feel to the web pages, and their archives can no longer be accessed via the web.

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Kingsman Snags
Two Statewide Awards

Kingsman Snags Two Statewide Awards

Meet Kingsman’s Top 10 Notable Brooklyn College Seniors, click here

Top 10 Seniors

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